The Course

Take a dive deep into the transformative world of karmic understanding with this immersive program designed to not only familiarize you with the concept of karma but also to teach you practical techniques for clearing it. The core curriculum springs from ancient philosophies and modern mindfulness practices, focusing on the identification, interpretation, and resolution of karmic patterns. Whether you're encountering persistent challenges or simply seeking personal growth, discovering how to navigate and cleanse your karmic cycle can be a game-changer.

This isn't just about theory and esoteric knowledge; it's an adventure that will equip you with real-world applications to create a palpable shift in your daily life. By the course's end, you'll have a personalized toolkit filled with exercises and rituals to help maintain your newfound karmic clarity. Embrace the chance to shed the weight of the past, foster deeper connections in your relationships, and pave the way for a future aligned with your highest potential. Let's journey together towards a lighter, more empowered existence.

What you will learn

This course was created from my own understanding and inspiration: my personal experiences with clearing karma as watching the lives of friends, family and clients transform as they experienced just how transformative letting go of past burdens can be.

This course will guide you through a process of self-discovery and healing. My intention is to ensure that every step is not only helpful but also well-organized, allowing you to seamlessly move from one insight to the next, building your understanding and skill in clearing any blockages that life's journey may have imprinted upon you. This structured approach paves the way for profound personal growth, enhanced well-being, and a newfound sense of freedom. Plus, the tools and techniques you'll master here can serve as lifelong companions in your journey toward inner peace and fulfillment.


Available in days
days after you enroll
  Preparation Materials: Let's Talk About Karma
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Preparation Materials: Intentional Circle Creation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1: Clearing Yourself
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2: Deepening Energetic Practices for Self Clearing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3: Healing Your Lineage
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4: Rituals to Support Your Ancestral Journey
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 5: Raising Collective Vibration Using the Heart
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 6: Revitalizing Our World
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Your instructor

I am Lisa Marie, Director of Seeding Reciprocity, a passionate nonprofit dedicated to fostering harmony with Mother Earth through educational and empowering initiatives. With 17 years of devoted service to the arts of yoga, meditation, energy healing, and mediumship, I have refined a practice that goes beyond techniques to touch the essence of your being. My teachings are rooted in a life's journey of deep spiritual inquiry and a heartfelt commitment to personal transformation.

As a cultivator of sacred space at our very own retreat center, I am elated to share wisdom that transcends intellectual understanding, aiming straight for the soul. Every moment with us supports and nourishes our mission, contributing to a global shift toward balance and reciprocity. Join me in this enriching exploration, and together, let's embark on a path to clear karma and awaken to our highest potentials.


We begin with a 1:1 intake session to learn about YOU. We will discuss challenges, goals, dreams and get to know you.


We will then spend consecutive Saturdays in circle with the group moving through course materials and supporting each other.


We conclude with a lived experience of the power of personal energy work and community.